Re-publishing my e-mail call to pule for John Doe
Aloha kakou,
I wrote this an e-mail to our community on August 8, 2005, a few days after the Ninth Circuit's disturbing ruling in the original John Doe case. It was a good reminder to me this morning, so hopefully it will bless others, too. Me ke aloha, Noelani
Speaking of John Doe...Yesterday while taking communion I felt Akua's Spirit pressing on my heart with this strong message: "Pray for John Doe."Indeed, in all of my prayers this past week over this gut-wrenching situation, I have neglected to pray for John Doe and his family. I know this might sound strange (even offensive to some) to ask us to pray along these lines. However, I ask us to remember that Princess Pauahi was a follower of Jesus, and He taught that we are to love, forgive and even BLESS our enemies. Even in our hurt and anger over this injustice, let's pray as He did on the cross (the ultimate injustice), "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing." And may Akua show us where we, too, have blind spots which endeavor to separate us from His perfect will for us and for our people Ultimately, pray with me that Akua's maluhia and ho'oponopono will reign in our hearts, in John Doe's supporters' hearts, and in our beloved islands. Me ke aloha, Noelani
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