Hawaiians Unite

"A ia hoi, nani ka maika'i a me ka oluolu, O ka noho lokahi pu ana o na hoahanau!" "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Saturday, October 04, 2008

"Hawaiians For Obama" Position Paper


During this year’s critical Presidential elections, Native Hawaiians have the opportunity to choose between Barack Obama vs. John McCain. The choice could not be clearer.

NATIVE HAWAIIAN PROGRAMS: Obama, who was born and raised in Hawai`i, cares about the general welfare of Native Hawaiians (i.e. health, education, cultural and language preservation, housing) and supports federal programs for their benefit. McCain and the Republican Party have actively sought to oppose or delete funding for Native Hawaiian programs, including the Native Hawaiian Education Act.

1893 OVERTHROW: Obama supports redressing wrongs arising out of the 1893 overthrow of Queen Liliu`okalani. On October 27, 1993, McCain was one of only 34 Senators to oppose the Apology Resolution during Senate consideration. The Apology Resolution, which eventually became Public Law 103-150, provided a U.S. Apology to Native Hawaiians for the January 17, 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai`i and called for a reconciliation process between the U.S. government and Native Hawaiians.

SELF-DETERMINATION: Obama actively supports self-determination and justice for Native Hawaiians through federal recognition legislation (Akaka bill S. 310, H.R.505). He commits to working with Hawai`i’s Congressional delegation and the Native Hawaiian community during the 111th Congress (2009-2010) on self-determination and reconciliation should he be elected President. McCain opposes all self-determination efforts for Native Hawaiians, including federal recognition, on the basis that such legislation is unconstitutional and raced-based.

FEDERAL JUDICIARY SYSTEM: One of the greatest powers of a U.S. President is his appointment of the U.S. Attorney General and Solicitor at the U.S. Justice Department, as well as the appointment of judges and justices for our federal court system, including the U.S. Supreme Court.
Until our political relationship is reaffirmed through the formation of a Hawaiian government, which Obama supports, there will continue to be systematic attacks in our federal judiciary system on Native Hawaiian programs, institutions, and rights, including the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the Hawaiian home lands program, the Kamehameha Schools’ admissions preference policy, and the State of Hawai`i’s current administration and disposition of ceded lands.
Native Hawaiians can count on Obama to make the right federal judicial appointments and stop the recent practice of naming ultra conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal courts in our country, including the 9th Circuit. McCain will continue the pattern by President Bush and other Republican Presidents of appointing justices who believe that all state and federal programs for Native Hawaiians are unconstitutional and that Native Hawaiians do not have a collective right to self-determination.

PONO (MAKING THINGS RIGHT): There is so much at stake for our Hawaiian community in choosing between Obama vs. McCain. Obama has genuine and personal compassion for the Native Hawaiian people. McCain will continue to oppose any effort to redress wrongs arising out of the 1893 overthrow. Obama clearly is the pono candidate. Please urge your ‘ohana and friends to vote for Barack Obama.