Hawaiians Unite

"A ia hoi, nani ka maika'i a me ka oluolu, O ka noho lokahi pu ana o na hoahanau!" "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hawai'i state legislature considering ban on sale of ceded lands

This is a pono move by the Hawaiian legislative caucus which was introduced in a press conference at the state capitol this morning. Here is a link to the video and article from KHON news this evening:

A ban on sales of ceded lands is center of Hawaiian Caucus bills

http://www.hawaiiansunite.com/ urges support for this bill. Write to your state legislator today. To find out who your legislator is, and how to contact him/her, go here: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/site1/info/vstreet/voterinformation.asp

The February 25 hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court is just weeks away. If the Justices see mass support for this legislation, they may be more inclined to leave this matter up to the people and leaders of Hawai'i...that is, they'll allow us to resolve the matter "local-style." The fate of these ceded lands should NOT be left to 9 judges at the national level who are not sensitized to the unique history of our islands. We are unlike any other state historically and culturally. The Supreme Court should have no overarching interest in this case because the Hawai'i Supreme Court's decision will not set precedent in other states and therefore does not have national implications. Let's make sure they hear our common voice on this!

You can stay up-to-date on this critical issue by going to http://www.stopsellingcededlands.com/

And don't forget to fast and pray on February 25. Imua Ke Akua! Imua Hawai'i!

Be blessed,