Hawaiians Unite

"A ia hoi, nani ka maika'i a me ka oluolu, O ka noho lokahi pu ana o na hoahanau!" "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Friday, May 04, 2007

No word expected from the Court until at least Monday May 14, 2007

The Supreme Court justices are not meeting today to discuss pending cases. Therefore, the earliest they will meet would be next week - so the earliest a decision on John Doe's petition would be released is Monday, May 14.

Many have asked if this ongoing delay bodes against Kamehameha Schools. One can't really tell, as these meetings are completely private. Personally, I want them to take all the time that they need. My firm belief is that a long, hard look at the case would enable a Supreme Court justice to see his or her way past the plaintiff's rhetoric to the truth - that this is an entirely private trust serving an indigenous people group, with the prior blessing of Congress, and therefore should be left alone; that Native Hawaiians are not a racial classification, but a political classification, given our unique (disturbing) history with the United States government, and therefore deserving of protection (not disruption) by that same government.

Let's continue to pray that our nation's highest judges will have that opportunity...and that clear vision.

Me ke aloha,