Anniversary of Ke Ali'i Pauahi's Passing - October 16 - Honoring Our Princess' Memory

Aloha kakou,
A year ago I issued a call to pule every October 16 until our beloved Princess Pauahi's legacy is once again secure. As you all know, we continue to await a decision on re-hearing from the Ninth Circuit Court in Doe vs. Kamehameha Schools, a ruling which could come any time in approximately the next ten months.
Waiting can be hard because it seems like inactivity. But I urge us to wait praying regularly for Ke Akua to protect our Princess' dying wishes. Princess Pauahi did the same as she awaited her physical death. Her dear friend and mentor Mrs. Juliette Cooke told of visiting Princess Pauahi in the last days of her battle with cancer. Princess Pauahi reiterated to Mrs. Cooke the enormous responsibility she felt to our people to ensure that her resources were used to secure our survival. Mrs. Cooke recalled, "I was so much comforted with what she said! She asked me to pray...and to bid all her friends to pray, for she needed help from on high." (Pauahi: The Kamehameha Legacy,Kanahele, 1986, p. 188).
May we, too, respond to our Princess' call to pule for kokua from on high. Let's wait actively! In her characteristically selfless way, her final prayers on earth were for us. (I was touched to the core when I realized that recently). Let us honor her memory this anniversary week by praying for her in return.
Together with you until our Princess' legacy is secure,
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